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Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (Mar-Apr, 2022)
The Lukavac village on the plateau of the Bjalasnica mountain: life in the way of sustainability
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Open Access

The Lukavac village (Geographical coordinates: 43°40'50.42''N, 18°15'59.81''Е, about 1335 m above sea level) is a village located on the southern slopes of the mountain Bjelsnica, about 2.6 km away from the river Rakitnica by air. The village belongs to the municipality of Trnovo (it is about 14.6 km away from Trnovo by air). The Lukavac village is one of the twenty villages on the plateau of the Bjelasnica mountain which, since its founding in the Middle Ages until today, has survived a turbulent history. It has always been renewed in accordance with new social circumstances thanks to its rich natural resources. As there are Olympic arenas near it (where the 14th Winter Olympics were held in 1984), this fact is his „embodied energy“ that largely generates life in the village today. „The Lukavac village on the plateau of Bjalasnica mountain: life in the way of sustainability“ is one of numerous studies by which the author analyzes and „checks“ his theory „Defining Architectural Space“ (founded in 1987) where he monitors the emergence of architecture („Boundaries“) in synergy with the other two essential elements of architecture – „Environment“ and „Man“. Also, this paper is a concrete contribution to the affirmation of „sustainable life“, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the world.

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