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Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 6 (Nov-Dec, 2022)
Logical-Mathematical Arguments in The Function of Proving The Premise: Everyone Who is Born Does Not Necessarily Have to Die
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The research represents a systematic cognitive process about those phenomena we were a little knowledgeable about the facts of the research, and which results help us to resolve various questions from the social practice. The quantitative approach in research is characterized by the presentation of the facts by using the numbers, while the qualitative research describes the facts by words. In this paper, we shall try to answer the one of the ancient questions from the social practice by the instruments of qualitative and quantitative comparative analyses, and logicalmathematical reasoning. Considering the fact that the human thinking is the subject to logic (common sense) and the truth about the events is the subject to mathematics, we shall try to correct logical thinking from the level of mathematics, in order to make the correct reasoning. Namely, genetic mutation refers to changes in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA, which permanently retain and transmit to the next generation of cells. As the outcome of genetic mutations, after a certain number of repetitions (births), a child will be born with an animal hair, two heads, three legs, four kidneys, more hands, a tail, etc. Therefore, the human body, after a certain number of reproductions (births), deviates in some cases, in relation to the largest number of identical repetitions, which we can call the “anatomical archetype”. The question is, is it possible by establishing of some critical mass of repetitions (births), with a sufficient number of carried out mutations, to expect with an absolute certainty and without exception, the birth of an immortal individual.

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