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Research Article | Volume 6 Issue 2 (Mar-Apr, 2024)
Women's Rights In History and Today
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Open Access

The "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," declared by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, is one of the most significant achievements of humanity's historical journey, only a fraction of which is known today. In the early 1800s, according to the general perspective of liberal feminist theory, women were in a secondary position worldwide, this secondary position could only be eliminated by women having the same rights as men. Thus, the first visible representative of the women's rights movement, Olympe de Gouges, took action for the first time with the aim of countering this general secondary position of women in the world. By declaring to the world on September 6, 1791, in France, with the "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen," that women are also human and should benefit from all the rights enjoyed by men, Olympe de Gouges led women to begin to fight for equal rights with men in the world they lived in. Although this struggle was initially initiated by liberal feminists, cultural feminists, as well as Marxist and socialist feminists, later joined this struggle. The aim is to ensure that women have the same rights as men by moving away from the secondary position of women. For this purpose, as a second initiative, Elizabeth Cady Stanton published the Declaration of Sentiments in New York on July 19-20, 1848. This second declaration was signed by one hundred women and men. Initially, the most important demand of women was to open the doors of universities to them and to grant them the right to vote. Liberal feminism aimed at political and legal equality and achieved it. However, Marxist feminism later insisted that domestic labor should also be remunerated. However, Marxist feminism has not yet been able to achieve its goal in this regard. Later, this demand for rights advanced to the point where radical feminists began to claim that women have the right not to marry and not to have children, and to this day, the biggest problem remains domestic violence. Domestic violence is a subject that post-modern feminists insist on. And the most important problem that still cannot be solved today is that marital sexual harassment is still not considered a crime in many societies. Parallel to the history of the women's rights movement, significant progress has been made in Turkey, a country where the majority of the population is Muslim. With the recognition of the right to vote and stand for election in 1934, there is still a significant distance to be covered because women in Turkey still do not have sufficient awareness of their rights, and there is also a serious gap between the number of women's shelters needed to combat domestic violence and the number of shelters available in Turkey. While there should be 3000 women's shelters in Turkey, the current number is only 16. Moreover, marital sexual harassment is still not considered a crime. In summary, there is a need to cover a much greater distance. And achieving these distances also requires a process of raising societal awareness. At this point, every Turkish citizen has important responsibilities. Based on the example of Turkey, it can be easily said that the situation of Islamic countries is not at all satisfactory.

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