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Research Article | Volume 5 Issue 1 (Jan-Feb, 2023)
Titre de l’article : Ecrire l’exil entre deux cultures dans Yotambé soc catalana de Najat Elhachmi
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The exile writing which is strongly present in the diasporic literature reflects the representations of the migrant author on identity and alterity, based on his lived experience shared between rupture and uprooting in the welcoming land. Therefore, thinking about exile is depicted as a reflection on the mental, ontological and psychological itinerary for the displaced author who carries out a permanent quest for himself through his writing, thus striving to define himself confronting his new landmarks, at the crossroads of several cultures. Najat Elhachmi is one of the migrant writers who have established themselves on the contemporary literary scene in Spain. Born in Nador in Morocco in 1979 and left at the age of eight with her family to Catalonia. In 2004, she expressed, her uprooting in this welcoming space that marked her for life in her first autobiographical book ''Yo tambésoccatalana'' (I too am Catalan) In the next article, we aim to analyze the exile writing in this text of Najat Elhachmi, considering it, on one hand, as a symptom of the break with the origins and the confrontation with the other and as a strategy for overcoming this tearing on the other hand.

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