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Research Article | Volume 5 Issue 3 (May-Jun, 2023)
Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Maturity in Male and Female of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Students: A Comparative Study
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For college students to succeed in both their academic and personal lives, emotional intelligence and emotional maturity is essential. Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to recognize, comprehend and manage emotions, whereas emotional maturity calls for one’s own emotion regulation. Better coping, empathy, and interpersonal skills can be attained by growing one’s emotional intelligence. These abilities may help students overcome college obstacles and laying the groundwork for long-term success. This paper examines the connection between both of these variables and college-going students’ quality of life. Eighty undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya were chosen for the study by use of the Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Emotional Maturity Scale[EMS]. An Accidental Sampling Technique was used in this study. An Independent t-test used to conclude the result. Study aimed to determine if there was a significant difference between the emotional intelligence and emotional maturity scores of males and females. The study found significant differences between the emotional maturity of males and females. This study also showed there is no significant difference in emotional intelligence between males and females

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