Admittedly , God's question is not merely a matter of the intellectual jingoism. In our highly atomized Contemporary world, the tendency is always to prove everything only from the standpoint of reason or through scientific experimentation. But reason and science unaided cannot lead us too far. Reason and science however, can provide interpretation for many different things but cannot give answers and solutions to all questions and every problem. What we cannot see are far more than what we can see through reason and science put together. Such things can only be apprehended possibly through supernatural faith. God's omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence can neither be merely rationalized nor be subjected to more scientific proof. However, Science, reason and faith are not opposed to one another. Instead, they are different aspects of one and the same thing, and, hence should complement each other without any friction. What matters is each being able to know its limitations. There are two companions in our earthly existence and journey: reason and faith. At a point, the reason can still see clearly unaided. Never the less, to some extent, the reason can no longer see clearly. It is at that point in time that faith takes over from reason. However, this very question of God, has eluded philosophers of different epochs. The researcher, therefore, never claims to give an adequate and exhaustive answer to it either. Hence, the writer employed the method of philosophical reflection as well as theological investigation to achieve the purpose of the study. The researcher, therefore, come to a conclusion that God is both all-inclusive and all-exclusive..