The main objective of the present paper is to explore the relevance of Ambedkarism (thoughts of Ambedkar) and how it brings political consciousness among backward sections. B.R. Ambedkar advocates the path for emancipation through his personal experiences and he gave three mantras: ‘educate’, ‘agitate’ and ‘organize’. The idea of ‘education’ would be main objective of this paper because education is one of the key mantras. Education makes a person to a complete human being. Therefore, Ambedkar express that the socio-political status of shudra (SC/ST/OBC) had been socially and economically backward only because there was a severe lack of education. The present paper would explore the connection between political consciousness and Ambedkarism (thought of Amberdkar), because his thought does not accept any religious discrimination, apartheid, caste-discrimination, orthodoxy, superstition, ignorance, etc. in any form and this concept seeks the path of socio-economic and political upheaval through education.