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Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 3 (May-Jun, 2022)
“The Influence of Work Environment on Employee Engagement of Local Government Unit in Municipality of Candelaria Zambales”
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access

This study intends to determine and analyze the influence of Work Environment on employee engagement of Local Government Unit (LGU) in Municipality of Candelaria Zambales. The respondents were composed of a sample size of 159 employees of LGU-Candelaria, from the total population of 270, using the Raosoft calculator at 95% level of confidence and 5% margin of error. The survey questionnaire method was used in data gathering, composed of 3 parts: (1) the profile of the respondents, (2) assessment on the influence of work environment, and (3) assessment on the employee engagement. The findings indicate that the majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 18-28 years old, females, Bachelor’s degree holder, singles, on a permanent employment status, with 6-16 years of tenure, and with a salary of below P10,000 monthly. The respondents agree on the influence of physical work environment, psychological work environment, social work environment, and workplace flexibility. The respondents agree on their assessment on the employee engagement. There is a significant difference between the influence of work environment in terms of physical, psychological, social, and workplace flexibility, and the employee engagement. And, there is a moderate significant relationship between the psychological work environment social work environment, and the employee engagement. On the other hand, there is a low significant relationship between the physical work environment and workplace flexibility, and the employee engagement. Therefore, it was recommended that the organization may enhance their physical working environment thru upgrading infrastructure and equipment. It is also encourage that the organization may provide or create security and safety policies and health and wellness programs and interventions for employees. The organization may enhance their psychological working environment thru fostering the employee benefits, sense of belongings, and support from the management. The organization may boost their employee’s morale and drive employee engagement thru employee incentive programs such as recognitions, rewards, and personal growth. The organization may enhance their social working environment thru harmonious and happy workplace where the presence of collaboration and cooperation between employees is evident. Organization may conduct seminars, trainings and team building programs to improve employees’ social work environment and their engagement to their work. And lastly, organization may develop flexible time thru implementing flexible scheduling so that employees can enjoy their work-life balance, that is working while having responsibilities with their family at the same time and provide work-life balance programs such as family day programs.

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